Kaleema or Kalima .. First among the five Pillars of Islam

1) Kalima Tauheed or Kalima Tayyiba

Kalima Tauheed or Kalima Tayyiba

La 'ilaa-ha 'il-lal-laa-hu mu-ham-ma-dur ra-soo-lul-laah

There is none worthy of worship besides Allah
Muhammad (Sallallaho-Alaihe-Wa-Sallam) is Allah's Messenger.

2) Kalima Shahadah (Testification)

'Ash-hadu 'an laa'i-laa-ha 'il-lal-laa-hu
I testify that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah

wa 'ash-ha-du 'anna mu-ham-ma-dan 'ab-du-hoo wa ra-soo-luh
And I testify that Muhammad (Sallallaho-Alaihe-Wa-Sallam) is Allah's worshipper and messenger.

Kalima Tamjeed ( Glorification of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)

3) Kalima Tamjeed
(Glorification of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)

Sub-haa-nal-laa-hi wal ham-dul-lil-laa hi
Glory be to Allah, All praise be to Allah

wa-laa 'i-laa-ha 'il-lal-laa-hu
There is none worthy of worship besides Allah

wal-laa-hu ak-bar
And Allah is the greatest

wa-laa haw-la wa-laa quwwa-ta
There is no Power and Might

'il-laa bil-laa-hil 'a-liy-yil 'a-zeem
except from Allah. The most High - The Great.

4) Kalima Tauheed
(Believing in the Unity of Allah)

Laa-'i-laa-ha 'il-lal-laa-hu
" There is none worthy of worship besides Allah,

He is one

laa sha-reeka la-hoo
He has no partner.

la-hul mul-ku
His is the Kingdom

wa-la-hul ham-du
and for Him is all praise.

yuh-yee wa-yu-mee-tu
He gives life and causes death.

bi-ya-di-hil khai-ru
In His hands is all good.

wa-hu-wa 'a-laa kul-li shay-'in qadeer

And He has power over everything.

5) Kalima Rade-Kufr
(Disproving of Kufr - disbelief)

'Al-laa-hum-ma 'in-nee 'a-'oo-thu bi-ka min 'an 'ush-ri-ka bi-ka shay-'an wa'a-na 'a'-la-mu bi-hee wa 'as-tagh-fi-ru-ka li-maa 'a'lamu bi-hee; tub-tu 'an-hu wa ta-bar-ra'tu mi-nal kuf-ri wash-shir-ki wal ma-'aa-see kul-li-haa wa-'as-lam-tu wa 'aa-man-tu wa-'a-qoo-lu laa'i-laa-ha 'il-lal-laa-hu mu-ham-ma-dur ra-soo-lul-laah

O Allah! I seek protection in You from that I should not join any partner with You knowingly. I seek Your forgiveness from that which I do not know. I repent from it (ignorance) I free myself from disbelief and joining partners with You and from all sins. I submit to Your will I believe and declare: There is none worthy of worship besides Allah and Muhammad (Sallallaho - Alaihe - Wa - Sallam ) is Allah's Messenger.